When & How to Sell For the Greatest Profit
- Is now the time? How will you know?
- Why sell, ever?
- Good reasons to sell now
- Reasons not to sell now
- Selling differently at different stages of your investing life
- Selling in different markets
- Selling different types of property
- Selling now compared to net leasing or holding and refinancing
- Which property to sell first and which one to sell last?
- How to generate the most cash flow after taxes when selling
- Selling to friends and family
- Selling to investors
- Sell with % participation
- Sell with two or more mortgages
- Timing the market
- Being always available for a 1031 Exchange
- When should you sell for all Cash
- When should you sell on terms
- When and how to use a 1031 Exchange
- When and how to use Section 121
- When and how to use an installment Sales
- When and how to sell with a Lease Option
- When to use a broker
- How to get the most from your broker
- Marketing – Attracting buyers and closing quickly
- Handling problems that arise at closing